Ecommerce Website Development Online
Ecommerce Website Development Online
eCommerce (B2C, B2B & Market Place)

Lower total costs of ownership

Faster Return On Investment

Highly Scalable

Secure Technology
ANMsoft is a pioneer / first mover & the only Indian Product platform which is globally competitive in creating world-class online stores both for pure-play e-tailers and for brick and mortar businesses. The Product is now in its 5th Version and has all the globally required features in line with the global scale vendors in the same space. However, our real expertise is to custom-develop solutions based on product category, business structure & geography.
ANMsoft product has capabilities to offer solutions across all business models i.e. B2C, Market Place with high complexity, B2B, B2E, C2C, and B2B2C.
ANMsoft powered the first set of pure-play e-tailers like Magic Bricks, Indiatimes shopping, Big Flix & Home Shop 18 way back in 2004-6. As the brick & mortar retail businesses achieved scale with a significant store presence, they adopted e-commerce as part of the multi-channel strategy & ANMsoft was selected by conglomerates like Arvind Brands, Mahindra Retail, Raymond, Major Brands, Gifting Ideas, Badasaab, Essar Group, Bata Emerging Markets, Grohe, Ferns & Petals & Tata Unistore to name a few. Apparel UAE, Jaxis Trading, VAR MEA & Aido (Viva Entertainment Dubai) are our big-name clients in the UAE.
ANMsoft currently operates out of India with customers spread across the Indian sub-continent, Middle East, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia. We have one-off clients in the USA and Germany. These businesses receive product development and services from a team of 120 core Java developers based out of the development center in Mumbai ably supported by the business team, testers, and designers.
The ANMsoft Product is developed on a strong & robust Java J2EE platform and uses MySQL as the default database though we have worked on Oracle too. The system is having a plug and play capabilities for integration with all 3rd party service providers across geographies.
Our solutions are completely Omnichannel enabled and create a seamless experience for our client customers both online and offline. We have expertise in developing Native APPs – iOS, Android & Windows.
In light of our continuous quest for product innovation and delivering customer excellence, Gartner did recognize ANMsoft amongst the global cool vendors’ in the year 2012.
ANMsoft is end to end in technology (business consulting, web designing, HTML, development, implementation) and end to end in managed services (server hosting, CDN, Application Support, Digital Marketing & Content writing) and hence a one-stop-shop for acquiring a world-class globally scalable omnichannel technology platform, while also being able to receive an entire boutique of managed services for long term sustainability of the solution.
Business Channel

Key Differentiators:

Proven capability to handle 20 million plus SKU’s with optimal site speed

Proven scalability to manage 50,000 plus transactions per day

Extensive Promotions module to match in store activity

Call Centre Module

User Engage Module

Integrated Recommendation Engine & Advanced Web Analytics Engine(Customisable)

Content Management System

Campaign Management System

Price Comparison Engine